"Be more Catholic than the Pope" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Marcelo Chagas from Pexels

“Be more Catholic than the Pope (himself)” = mộ đạo hơn cả Giáo hoàng -> nghĩa là quá hăng hái bảo vệ quyền lợi của người khác, đến nỗi chính người hưởng quyền lợi đó cũng chưa hăng hái bằng. Đôi khi cũng để chỉ trích người quá sùng đạo. việt nam có câu 'bảo hoàng hơn vua'.

Ví dụ
"More Catholic than the pope" used to be a joking reference to conservative (bảo thủ) Catholics, but these days there truly are some people who think they are more Catholic than the pope.

They asked communities (cộng đồng) not to ‘gather (tụ họp) physically in groups’ because ‘it puts lives at risk (nguy hiểm tính mạng).’ They asked their people to’pray at home, and connect online…’ The Vatican did its own but my people are more catholic than the pope. They must congregate (tụ hợp) and distribute (rải rác) this mass death.”

You are crying more than the bereaved (tang quyến). The fallen emir (tiểu vương quốc Ả Rập) has taken it all in his strides (bước tiến). Didn’t you listen to his short statement saying nothing is permanent and that it is God who made him Emir and who also approved (chấp nhận) that he be removed? So why are you becoming more Catholic than the Pope?

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