"Be on your best behavior" nghĩa là gì?

Hãy đối xử tốt với dạ dày của bạn! Photo by Aliis Sinisalu on Unsplash

"Be on (someone's) best behavior" nghĩa là cư xử thật khéo léo, cư xử thật tốt.

Ví dụ
Times of crisis (cơn khủng hoảng) can actually bring out the best in people. Sometimes when people have no choice but to be around people they typically do everything they can to avoid, there can be a slight shift in the dynamic and more accommodations made on each side, or more effort to be on your best behavior.

The Khan Maykr is one of the biggest boss fights you’ll take on in Doom Eternal – and one of the most difficult as well. You'll come across this boss sometime after completing the Gladiator boss fight. This boss fight takes advantage of several new features and enemies in the game, so you’ll need to be on your best behavior if you want to pull off this win.

There's a strong rapport (mối quan hệ tốt) and understanding between you and a certain person with the Moon in charming Aquarius and the Sun cruising into your seventh house. It makes you feel good, especially if you have romantic designs in mind. If you've only just met one another, you'll be on your best behavior but without being totally unrealistic about who you really are. If you're in a long-term relationship, this is a good day for rekindling the spark that brought you together in the first place.

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Bài trước: "Page through them" nghĩa là gì?
Tags: phrase

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