"Couldn't get elected dogcatcher" nghĩa là gì?

Lêu lêu lêu. Photo by  Jamie Street

"Couldn't get elected dogcatcher" = Không thể chọn người bắt chó -> Người không có nhiều ảnh hưởng hoặc không đủ năng lực thì không được bầu chọn cho vị trí nào cả và thậm chí vị trí thấp nhất cũng không được.

Ví dụ
He was running for state agriculture commissioner and came to see us on the editorial board of the Dallas Times Herald. We chatted for about half an hour. He was unbelievably unfamiliar with the issues in his own race. As the door swung toward Perry’s backside, we laughed up our sleeves. I believe the phrase around the table, after he left, was, “Couldn’t get elected dogcatcher.”

A veteran animal control supervisor is calling President Trump’s jab (nhát đâm, cú thọc) that Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) “couldn’t get elected dogcatcher” both “degrading” and “divisive.” “Of course the word ‘dogcatcher’ is always getting on those in my profession's nerves,” Robert Leinberger Jr., the vice president of the National Animal Care & Control Association, told ITK shortly after Trump’s tweet Tuesday.

A couple of weeks ago, NPR's Weekend Edition told you about America's only elected dogcatcher, Zeb Towne. He's held that position in the town of Duxbury, Vt. for 15 years in a row. Towne told us he had never been bothered by that timeworn political insult: "You couldn't get elected dogcatcher!" The story really hit home for me, because I cover politics, and I love dogs, so I've put a lot of thought into how you would run a campaign to be elected dogcatcher.

Ka Tina

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