"Don't get your bowels in an uproar" nghĩa là gì?

That's cool! Photo by  Josh Rakower

"Don't get your bowels in an uproar" = Đừng để lòng bạn trong sự náo động -> Đừng quá kích động/hào hứng, kiểm soát lại sự hào hứng và nhiệt huyết đó/bình tĩnh lại.

Ví dụ
Keep calm and don't get your bowels in an uproar, only kidding.

Don't get your bowels in an uproar, your kidneys in a downpour and your liver in a jar.

That always keeps them steady somehow. It is the cynicism (lời nhạo báng, lời giễu cợt) of the cab driver with his cap over one eye. It is the fatalism (thuyết định mệnh) of those old guys who sit out in front of the stores in the Lower East Side on Saturday afternoon in old bentwood chairs of the 1930’s drugstore variety and just survey the scene with half a smile on, as if to say, look around you, this town is a nuthouse to start with, right? So don’t get your bowels in an uproar. Relax. Enjoy.

Ka Tina

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