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thuốc chữa rối loạn cương dương có thể gây tác hại đến thị giác...

Erectile dysfunction drugs can lead to prolonged retinal ((giải phẫu) (thuộc) màng lưới, (thuộc) võng mạc (mắt)) dysfunction (rối loạn),

“Sildenafil, also known as the little blue pill (viên kim cương màu xanh) or Viagra, is a common medication (thuốc chữa phổ biến) for men who need a little downstairs perk-me-up, but Turkish researchers noted a pattern of male patients whom (sic) took the pill suffering from all sorts of visual disturbances (rối loạn thị giác).”

Study authors report patients experienced blurred (mờ, nhòe) vision, light sensitivity and color-vision disturbances, including “intensely blue colored vision with red/green color blindness (mù màu)” after taking the highest recommended dose of Sildenafil, which was originally developed as a treatment for high blood pressure (cao huyết áp).

Tags: sex


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