"Example is better than precept" nghĩa là gì?

Nói không thế thì dễ lắm thầy ơi! Photo by Fred Kloet on Unsplash

“Example is better than precept” = ví dụ tốt hơn lời giáo huấn -> nghĩa là hành động thực tế hiệu quả hơn việc chỉ nói bằng mồm.

Ví dụ
When we turn to ordinary life (cuộc sống thường ngày), we find a partial acknowledgement (công nhận) of the truth in the proverb — "Example is better than precept." Better! There is no sort of comparison (so sánh).

But example is better than precept; and it belongs to the nature (bản chất) of this undertaking that I should describe one or two of those instances of despotism (chế độ chuyên quyền), which, in their effect, have been more durable (lâu bền) on my mind than all the lessons I then learnt.

I make no apology (xin lỗi) for this account of my own conduct (hành vi), because example is better than precept, and because I believe that my example may have weight with many thousands, as it has had in respect (tôn trọng) to early rising, abstinence (kiêng khem), sobriety (điềm tĩnh), industry (siêng năng), and mercy (lòng tốt) towards the poor.

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