"Fade from view" nghĩa là gì?

Dải ngân hà là thứ gì đó chỉ được nhìn qua ảnh. Photo by Hristo Fidanov from Pexels

"Fade from view" = biến mất khỏi tầm nhìn -> nghĩa là mờ dần, dần dần biến mất (do ánh sáng hoặc khoảng cách).

Ví dụ
This cosmic wonder (kỳ quan vũ trụ) doesn't have a long lifespan (tuổi thọ), though. Its hourglass (đồng hồ cát) shape will only last about 10,000 years. And one day, the star will cool down, causing its hourglass form to fade from view.

For years, the Chargers have failed (thất bại) to make their way to the summit in the AFC West despite having plenty of talent on the roster (bảng phân công) on both sides of the ball. In fact, it’s become normal for NFL analysts (nhà phân tích) to predict (dự đoán) the Chargers will “win the West” on an annual basis only to see them fade from view at some point before the season’s end.

The European Commission (Ủy ban Châu Âu) is looking to Australia as it considers pulling spot foreign exchange (ngoại hối) into Mifid II, the regime (chế độ) that exists for equities (cổ phiếu), bonds (trái phiếu) and derivatives (phái sinh) – a radical change that industry lawyers and lobbyists (nhà vận động hành lang) have been hoping would fade from view, following intense criticism (chỉ trích dữ dội).

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