"Female of the species is more deadly than the male" nghĩa là gì?

Đừng dại, chị em chúng tôi không ngán một ai. Photo by Luis Fernandes from Pexels

"Female of the species is more deadly than the male" = giống cái (của muôn loài) nguy hiểm hơn giống đực -> nghĩa là ở nhiều loài động vật, giống cái có độc còn giống đực thì không, tương tự, phụ nữ nguy hiểm hơn đàn ông.

Ví dụ
The female of the species is more deadly than the male, the famed author (tác giả nổi tiếng) Rudyard Kipling wrote, and that’s certainly true for the mosquito Aedes aegypti (muỗi vằn), also known as the yellow fever mosquito. Only females feast (hứng thú) on human blood, transmitting (truyền) not only yellow fever but also dengue (sốt xuất huyết) and several other diseases.

The female of the species is more deadly than the male goes the saying but too often it is women who are the victims (nạn nhân) in our world. Oppressed (bị áp bức) and treated (đối xử) as second class citizens since the dawn of time (rất lâu về trước), things are at last changing for women in the western world but elsewhere they continue to have fewer rights (quyền) and less say then men.

The female of the species is more deadly than the male. It’s a great line, familiar (quen thuộc) as a pop song in the 90s but actually nicked (đặt biệt danh) from a poem by Rudyard Kipling. Anyone who’s watched a David Attenborough documentary (phim tài liệu) will appreciate its truth when we see killer females who make their male animal or insect partners appear like big wusses (nhát cáy).

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