Hệ lụy khi lơ là việc chăm sóc bệnh nhân

người đàn ông đốt giường bệnh viện để được y tá chú ý...
John King admitted to setting a plastic bag on fire on Saturday because he felt the AdventHealth New Smyrna Beach staff were ignoring (phớt lờ) his request (yêu cầu) to bring him his clothes and he believed that the fire would get their attention.

King’s roommate (bạn cùng phòng) in the hospital explained to officials that he had seen King light a small object on fire, but convinced (thuyết phục) him to put out the flame, records show. However, when he returned to his bed behind a curtain, he saw King relight the fire and the roommate used the emergency button (nút gọi khẩn cấp) to notify staff,

Tags: health

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