"Gaze into space" nghĩa là gì?

Chân ái Photo by Daria Shevtsova

'look/stare/gaze into space' = nhìn chằm chằm vào khoảng không, nhìn lơ đãng khi đang suy nghĩ.

Ví dụ
During a sleepless night (đêm không ngủ), Scott joins Logan as they enjoy coffee and gaze into space. When Wolverine complains of his sleeplessness, Scott teases him that it's because of his body hair. "Too hot for covers," he observes, "and too cool without them."

When astronomers gaze into space they can see many different things. Galaxies, stars, and even black holes can be spotted from our place here on Earth. However, one of the most abundant types of matter in the universe can’t actually be seen at all, or at least we’ve yet to invent the means to do so.

Don’t let your body language advertise how bored you are at the company meeting. Sit upright, don’t gaze into space or out of the window, and don’t doodle (viết vẽ nguệch ngoạc) or sneak a look at your phone. When you speak in meetings, touching your face or mouth might suggest that you are not telling the truth so stay aware of your actions.

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