"Get my eye" nghĩa là gì?

Nghe đồn ngắm zai đẹp tốt cho mắt! Photo by  Nathan Fertig

"Get my eye" = Bắt mắt -> Chỉ điều rất hấp dẫn/thu hút và gây sự chú ý cho bạn để nhìn ngắm nó.

Ví dụ
“It’s good for me because he’s done it for a while, he’s at the top and has won a lot of races. To be learning off him is the best thing I could do. “We went to Norwell a few days ago, Shane asked me to come just to help get my eye in and get focused for the Grand Prix.

“It’s about the guests really believing that they are in the courtyard of Hogwarts watching what is happening in the castle. We get your eye and your brain to believe that you are seeing inside the castle and that’s what makes it magic. We get you to believe that the castle is opening up and you are seeing the students dancing within it.”

The river sorts things by size, Maiklem says, so if you spot one pin, you're likely to find several all clustered (thành chùm, thành đám) together. That is, if you spot one. It takes a while to train yourself to spot things that aren't sand, mud (bùn) and pebbles (sỏi, đá cuội) — Maiklem calls it "getting your eye." Once you've spotted something, she says, it becomes a little easier to see similar objects. As we go along, I'm beginning to get my eye — I spot a substantial shard of green-glazed medieval pottery (đồ gốm thời Trung Cổ), and a chunk of a Roman heating duct, called a hypocaust (lò dưới sàn).

Ka Tina

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