"Get your comeuppance" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Eugene Triguba

"Get (one's) comeuppance" = Nhận sự trừng phạt, quở trách và phê bình.

Ví dụ
"A lot of the newer guys get hung up on that… but I can tell you there’s not a lot of money in YouTube-ing, per se. There is, however, always room on the top shelf for the best and if you are good enough, people will recognize it and share it around. You will get your comeuppance, so to speak.

“I just nip home,” he says, home being Cork. “My friends in Ireland are never slow to tell me I’m going to get my comeuppance. Every time I’m over there I get a strong sense of ‘who do you think you are?’ We have a reputation for playing stylish football, so everyone tells me I’ve been watching yer man at Manchester City too much.

Speaking at the time he said: "It appears that if you oppose the cruelty and illegality of fox hunting and those who club them to death, you don't just get social media abuse." Mr Packham called the animal "beautiful" and added: "It seems that if you stick up for foxes, you get your comeuppance from people who still think it's a good idea to kill them."

Ka Tina

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