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ông lão 101 tuổi ở ý điền form ở lại uk do brexit thì phần mềm lỗi và yêu cầu cần... bố mẹ xác nhận danh tính :)

Giovanni Palmiero, who has been living in the United Kingdom since the 1960s, ran into the error (lỗi) while a volunteer (tình nguyện viên) was uploading documents into the Home Office’s settled status app. Instead of the app correctly identifying the birth year on his passport as 1919, it registered as 2019 – and then asked him to put in the address details of his parents so officials could get additional verification (xác minh thêm).

“I was surprised. I phoned the Home Office and it took two calls and a half an hour for them to understand it was the app’s fault, not mine,”

Tags: funny


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