Tác hại đáng gờm của thức ăn nhanh đối với sức khỏe mà bạn chưa biết

hòn dái nhỏ và ít tinh trùng, nghiên cứu mới cho hay... :D

Research shows those who eat a diet rich in fish, chicken, fruit, veg and water produce the most sperm (tinh trùng) and have the biggest testicles (tinh hoàn).

Eating processed foods and red meat has the opposite effect.

The findings (phát hiện) come after researchers (nhà nghiên cứu) analysed (phân tích) the health and diet of 2,935 men with an average age of 19 during military service entrance exams (thi tuyển quân sự).

The men's testicle size was measured and the number, shape and swimming abilities (khả năng bơi) of their sperm was also analysed,

Tags: sex

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