Du học điều dưỡng tại Mỹ

cơ hội ngày càng nhiều, giai đoạn 2010-2017, số NPs (nurse practitioner) tăng hơn gấp đôi từ 91.000 lên 190.000, thu nhập tăng 5,5% (đã điều chỉnh lạm phát), ngành chăm sóc sức khỏe mỹ (vẫn đang) tăng trưởng mạnh...
In the period 2010–17 the number of NPs in the US more than doubled from approximately 91,000 to 190,000. This growth occurred in every US region and was driven by the rapid expansion of education programs that attracted nurses in the Millennial generation. Employment was concentrated in hospitals, physician offices, and outpatient care centers, and inflation-adjusted earnings grew by 5.5 percent over this period. The pronounced growth in the number of NPs has reduced the size of the registered nurse (RN) workforce by up to 80,000 nationwide.

Tags: health


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