"Pile Pelion on Ossa" nghĩa là gì?

Chỉ là giặt giũ thôi mà, sao mệt mỏi thế?? Photo by: Gratisography on Pexels

"Pile Pelion on Ossa" = chồng dãy Pelion lên dãy Ossa -> nghĩa là khiến cho mọi việc đã rắc rối trở nên khó khăn, rối rắm hơn, nghĩa khác là làm công việc (tưởng chừng/có vẻ) vô ích. (Pelion và Ossa là hai dãy núi ở Hy Lạp)

Ví dụ
Evidently (hiển nhiên) determined (xác định) to pile Pelion on Ossa when it comes to clichés, the Toronto mayor also called the attack cowardly. But slaughtering innocents takes strong nerves. Seriously, would we be safer if terrorists or psychos were braver? It’s just trite babble.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell already allowed a unanimous (nhất trí) consent request for the whistleblower documents to proceed. Today, McConnell piled Pelion on Ossa, announcing (thông báo) that if the House votes to impeach (buọc tội) Trump, he would have no choice but to take it up.

The invasion (xâm lược) of Iraq created a power vacuum that has empowered (trao quyền hoạt động) terrorism in the Arab heartland. Supporting rebels in Syria has piled Pelion on Ossa. Afghanistan continues to bleed 14 years after the United States arrived and decided to create a democracy.

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