"Play ball with" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Elisey Vavulin

"Play ball with (one)" = Chơi bóng với ai -> Làm điều mình muốn hoặc điều mình nói; hợp tác/đồng hành với ai.

Ví dụ
“It's like, all right, if you're not going to play ball with us, this is our last move because we can always say well, we'll just declare bankruptcy (tuyên bố phá sản).”.

He continued, “It’s the latest in a line of major deals NHS England has successfully negotiated, which show that when drug companies play ball with the NHS, taxpayers get a fair deal and patients get cutting-edge treatments.”

“If you’re President Trump, there's no better time right now to get the Chinese to play ball with you, because they kind of need to,” Cox said. “I think the more likely scenario is the president uses this as a potential point of leverage to get the Chinese to agree to something more quickly.”

Ka Tina

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