"Put into effect" nghĩa là gì?

Xâm nhập trái phép là bắn bỏ luôn. Photo by Specna Arms on Unsplash

"Put/bring (something) into effect" hoặc "put something into force" = đưa vào thực hiện -> thực hiện, thực thi điều gì (chính sách, luật lệ).

Ví dụ
That data, represented (được thể hiện) here, shows how concentrations (nồng độ) of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a pollutant (chất gây ô nhiễm), dropped sharply between early January and late February over China — just as quarantines (cách ly) and business restrictions (hạn chế) were put into force.

Under the policy (chính sách) bring into effect in January 2019, most non-Mexicans who seek asylum (xin tị nạn) at U.S. border checkpoints (trạm kiểm soát biên giới) or while crossing the border illegally (bất hợp pháp) are sent back to Mexico to await further hearings on their claims (yêu sách).

OPEC also said voluntary cuts (cắt giảm tự nguyện) of an estimated 2.1 million barrels a day, already in place, should be continued for the rest of the year. If all the existing (hiện có) and suggested (được đề xuất) cuts are put into effect, OPEC and its allies (đồng minh) will have removed close to 4 percent of supply from the market.

Thu Phương

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