"Scratch A and you will find B" nghĩa là gì?

Thế giới có rất nhiều điều kỳ diệu để bạn khám phá. Photo by Luck Galindo from Pexels

"Scratch (something) and you'll find (something else)" có scratch là cào bới, tìm -> nghĩa là nếu bạn tìm hiểu kỹ về một người/ tổ chức hoặc điều gì, bạn sẽ bất ngờ vì sự thật có thể trái ngược.

Ví dụ
Scratch the surface (bề mặt), though, and you’ll find multiple strata (địa tầng) of venues that range from slightly sub-Rodeo to totally off the dial (ngạc nhiên).

If you decided to write an article about keeping your website secure (an toàn) in 2011, you would have a hard time updating it in 2020. When you start from scratch, you’ll find that much has changed, and your article could have provided readers with wrong, outdated information (thông tin lỗi thời).

Lurking (ẩn nấp) beneath the theory (lý thuyết) that high turnout (tỷ lệ bỏ phiếu cao) would disadvantage Joe Biden is what we might call the “disappointed nonvoter thesis (luận điểm).” Scratch a political devotee (tín đồ chính trị) and you’ll almost always find the same theory of turnout underpinning their plans: If only a candidate (ứng viên) would say what I already think but louder.

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