"Terminate with extreme prejudice" nghĩa là gì?

Không cho tụi bây thoát. Photo by Nur Andi Ravsanjani Gusma from Pexels

"Terminate/kill (someone) with extreme prejudice" = chấm dứt/kết liễu/giết thẳng tay, không do dự.

Ví dụ
Septuagenarian Kim Byeongsu has long retired from murder (giết người), but when a rival practitioner (đối thủ có chuyên môn) appears in his neighbourhood, and his adopted daughter Eunhui risks becoming a victim (nạn nhân), he decides to use his old skills to terminate with extreme prejudice a threat he himself once posed.

At a meeting at Nha Trang, the US military hierarchy (hệ thống quân đội) instructs (chỉ thị) the dissolute Captain Benjamin Willard (Martin Sheen) to terminate Kurtz’s command (chỉ huy). A nameless CIA officer present at lunch utters the chilling overview (tổng quan): ‘Terminate with extreme prejudice.’ The die is cast (sự đã rồi).

There is the added problem of lack of success in the rehabilitation (phục hồi) of the thousands of drug addicts who have been apprehended (bắt giữ) and incarcerated (tống giam), and the hardened drug peddlers (buôn ma túy) and drug lords (trùm ma túy) whose “termination with the extreme prejudice” is found wanting due to the absence of a death penalty statute (án tử hình) which in turn leads to jam packed and congested (tắc nghẽn) city and provincial jails (nhà tù).

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