"The disease to please" nghĩa là gì?

Cố gắng làm hài lòng tất cả là điều không thể, thậm chí bạn còn khiến mình bị trầm cảm. Photo by Mike Chai from Pexels

"The disease to please" = bệnh muốn làm hài lòng (người khác) -> nghĩa là sự ám ảnh của bạn về việc phải khiến ai đó hài lòng, vui vẻ.

Ví dụ
Taking everything on as a people pleaser can, in many cases, have the opposite effect (tác dụng ngược) you intend (ý định) it to. Sticking with the disease to please is like taking a weakening (suy nhược) drug.

You can be the juiciest peach in the world, there are still people who don’t eat nor like peaches. The more you succumb (ngừng chống lại) to the disease to please, the opposite of what you want happens: you become a doormat (người bị chà đạp) who people perhaps like but far from someone who they respect (tôn trọng).

Winfrey says, "I had a really complicated relationship (mối quan hệ phức tạp) with my mom, and I think people who come from oppression (sự áp bức)...when you're the first in your family to do anything well... first thing everybody says is, 'I want to buy my mom a house.'" On how Winfrey changed the 'disease to please,' she shares, "I was saying 44 is it, when you sort of come into your own and you stop listening to what everyone else has to say."

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