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đã có ATM bán thuốc giảm đau nhóm opioid nhé...
Health advocates say a safe supply of opioids is critical to help prevent people from overdosing (bị quá liều) on tainted (thối, ươn, ôi (đồ ăn); hư hỏng, đồi bại, bại hoại) street drugs.

Now, a pilot project in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside provides some high-risk users with access to an automated machine that dispenses opioids prescribed by a doctor

The machine, called MySafe, is stocked with hydromorphone tablets that are released on a pre-determined schedule to high-risk opioid users. A user must scan their palm (lòng bàn tay) on the machine to identify themselves. The machine recognizes each individual by verifying the vein pattern (mẫu hình mạch máu) in their hand and then dispenses their prescription (kê đơn, đơn thuốc).

Made of steel and bolted to the floor, MySafe resembles an ATM or vending machine. It logs every package that is released and sends that information to a web feed that only program administrators can access.

Tags: health


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