"Walk a mile in her shoes" nghĩa là gì?

"Mình lại làm gì sai rồi?" Photo by @thiszun (follow me on IG, FB) from Pexels

"Walk a mile in (someone's) shoes" = đi một dặm trên đôi giày của người khác -> dành thời gian để cố gắng tìm hiểu, cân nhắc về quan điểm, năng lực, kinh nghiệm của người khác trước khi đánh giá.

Ví dụ
If you're mad at someone walk a mile in his shoes. If you're still mad, you won't kill him as you're a mile away!

The people that know and love you all are very proud of the adults that all of you children have become, and remember that we are here for you and still love you. Some people post (đăng bài viết) things not thinking of the children or the grandchildren and that just shows their ignorance (thiếu hiểu biết). Let them try walking a mile in your shoe.

“If I could be you, if you could be me for just one hour, if we could find a way to get inside each other’s mind.
If you could see you through my eyes, instead of your ego (cái tôi), I believe you’d be surprised to see that you’ve been blind.
Walk a mile in my shoes, walk a mile in my shoes, before you abuse (lạm dụng), criticize (chỉ trích) and accuse (buộc tội), walk a mile in my shoes.” (Lời bài hát "“Walk a Mile in My Shoes” - Griffin)

Thu Phương

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