Việt Nam làm gì để kích cầu trong dịch Covid-19?

học mỹ, Larry Summers đưa ra ý tưởng mua máy trợ thở, sắm thiết bị họp video qua mạng và giáo dục từ xa để kích cầu cứu kinh tế khỏi khủng hoảng...
1/ central banks should develop a facility to assure that credit is not cut off to key sectors of the economy, come what may. Steadily available credit is much more important than lower-priced credit.

2/ as huge excess capacity at major global ports suggests, this is a moment for less — not more — interference with trade flows. Though it may go against the president’s instincts, the United States should lead a global effort to reduce tariffs as a source of stimulus for the duration of the health emergency.

3/ fiscal expansion via federal budgetary investments in areas like the purchase of ventilators (bộ thông gió, máy thông gió; quạt máy, quạt điện; cửa sổ thông gió (ô tô); (kiến trúc) cửa thông hơi; máy trợ thở), videoconferencing equipment and distance-education technologies, all of which are directly connected to the coronavirus problem. And, of course, there is far more risk of spending too little on health research and production of health goods than in spending too much...

Tags: economics


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