Không cứu vãn kịp

xe tải chệch bánh trên đường cao tốc, lật nhào, bốc cháy hết lô hàng quý giá: giấy vệ sinh (lính cứu hỏa tới thì cháy rụi hết rồi)
Authorities in Texas said a truck driver was not injured when his vehicle caught fire on the interstate, but the flames (ngọn lửa) destroyed (tiêu hủy, phá hủy) some precious (quý giá, quý hiếm, quý báu) cargo: a load of toilet paper.

...The truck driver sad he hit a bump, lost control (mất tay lái) of the vehicle and struck a highway barrier, causing the truck to overturn (lật nhào). The driver and his dog were not injured.

Firefighters were summoned to (được triệu tập đến) the scene (hiện trường) and extinguished (dập lửa) the flames, but officials said the truck's load of toilet paper burned extensively before firefighters arrived.

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