"Be laughed out of court" nghĩa là gì?

"Ha ha. Nói cái gì có lý hơn được không?" Photo by malcolm garret from Pexels

"Be laughed out of court" hoặc "laugh (someone or something) out of court" nghĩa là (ý tưởng, ý kiến) bị từ chối, bị cười chê, không được chấp nhận hoặc (pháp lý) mất quyền thưa kiện.

Ví dụ
Their arguments (lập luận) against the law are very bad ones that should be laughed out of court.

In normal times, I’d expect (mong đợi) a move like that to be laughed out of court, but these aren’t normal times.

Anyone filing such a lawsuit (đơn kiện) would be laughed out of court and likely sanctioned (xử phạt) by the court for filing a frivolous (tầm phào) lawsuit.

A red-faced Manchester City fan who had a tattoo of rival (đối thủ) club United following a pub bet (cá cược) with a mate was laughed out of court today after ridiculous demands (yêu cầu lố bịch).

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