"Be the exception that proves the rule" nghĩa là gì?

Càng cấm càng thích chụp. Photo by Tommy Huang from Pexels

"Be the exception that proves the rule" = ngoại lệ làm sáng tỏ quy tắc -> nghĩa là làm trái với quy tắc, từ đó nhận ra tính đúng đắn của quy tắc.

Ví dụ
I’ve visited eight of its islands over the years (in order: Skiathos, Paxos, Corfu, Kefalonia, Lefkada, Skopelos, Mykonos and Tinos) and I’ve never had a bad experience (trải nghiệm). OK, the selfie-takers in Mykonos were pretty horrendous (kinh khủng), but that’s the exception that proves the rule.

“There’ll be pictures that you’re citing with people with garbage bags or whatever, but that’s gonna be the exception that proves the rule,” Navarro said in a recent CNN interview. “Let’s not sensationalize (kích động quần chúng) this crisis (khủng hoảng) at a time where we’d create more anxiety (lo lắng) or panicked (hoảng loạn) behavior with people.”

As I wrote earlier this month, however, temporary shortages (thiếu hụt tạm thời) of a few extremely high-demand (nhu cầu cao) items are the exception that proves the rule: the American consumer economy (kinh tế tiêu dùng) is doing an extremely good job under extraordinary stress (áp lực không tưởng), and we have a decentralized market (thị trường phi tập trung) economy to thank for that.

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