"Circumstances alter cases" nghĩa là gì?

"Không phải cháu cố ý đâu, bạn kia cứ đẩy cháu ấy." Photo by Poul-Werner Dam

"Circumstances alter cases" nghĩa là hoàn cảnh biện minh hành động -> tất cả đều do hoàn cảnh tạo ra cả, có tội lỗi chẳng qua cũng chỉ vì hoàn cảnh xui nên.

Ví dụ
The maxim (châm ngôn) is that circumstances alter cases, but Shelley's interest lies, in part, in the circumstances of casuistry (lỹ lẽ) itself.

There is an old saying, “circumstances alter cases.” That is true and that is why the morality (đạo đức) of a human act must be judged (đánh giá) in the light of the circumstances.

We tell you all this not to discourage (thất vọng) you or confuse you, but to emphasize (nhấn mạnh) the fact that circumstances alter cases. The cliché that wine is a living thing is remarkably true, and wines are as variable (biến đổi) as people: that's part of their fascination (đam mê).

However, tax is a field in which the old adage that 'circumstances alter cases' is particularly pertinent (đặc biệt phù hợp). In other words, tax advice (tư vấn về thuế) very much depends upon the particular facts and circumstances of each individual case—as well as the aims to be achieved (đạt được) through any tax mitigation scheme (kế hoạch giảm thuế).

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