Lợi ích của việc xông hơi

chống nhiễm virus covid-19 đấy, tổng thống belarus nói thế :D

...In Turkmenistan, ranked worst in the world (bét bảng thế giới) for press freedom (tự do báo chí) last year by Reporters Without Borders, state media began reporting on the virus only last week, monitors say. The president has promoted a medicinal herb (thảo dược) as a cure (liều chữa trị).

In Belarus, the president has kept schools and businesses open while promoting folk remedies like steaming in a sauna (xông hơi) or drinking vodka (uống rượu), saying, “It’s better to die on your feet than on your knees.”

And in Tajikistan, the authorities herded thousands of students into a stadium for a Persian new year party, at which the president gave a speech extolling (xiển dương, ca ngợi) his citizens’ cleanliness as a reason the epidemic has not taken hold there.

Tags: health

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