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cố nuốt thẻ atm ăn trộm khi bị công an bắt giữ...
Florida man allegedly (bị cáo buộc) attempted to eat a stolen debit card when he was confronted (đối chất) by police officers.

...He had been held by Disney security after being caught while buying gift cards and jewelry at Disney Springs, Walt Disney World's shopping center, with the stolen card, which is believed to have been taken from a deceased (đã chết, quá cố) Ohio man.

Herrera allegedly tried to eat the evidence of his crime (bằng chứng phạm tội), with officers witnessing him attempting to chomp down (nhai rào rạo) on the plastic before he could be questioned,

When he was found to be holding a bag filled with white powder in his pocket, Herrera is said to have told officers "I'm not going to lie, it's cocaine."

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