"Follow the crowd" nghĩa là gì?

Thời trang là lĩnh vực luôn cần đổi mới và sáng tạo. Photo by willsantt from Pexels

"Follow the crowd" hoặc "go with the crowd" = theo đám đông -> nghĩa là làm theo số đông, làm theo những gì người khác cũng làm.

Ví dụ
That’s why you should be striving (cố gắng) to stay on top of the trends in the design space - because while you don’t want to simply follow the crowd, if you’re not utilising (tận dụng) trends within your branding (thương hiệu) you’re unlikely to stand out from said crowd.

The lady who was sitting in your position was, of course, not a member of this jury (bồi thầm đoàn) and simply followed the crowd I suppose. I have discussed the situation with counsel (luật sư) and there is no harm and no problem in the sense this was at a very early stage of the case.

Now, the impetus (động lực) for most of us who invest in the stock market (thị trường chứng khoán) is to make money. But many people do not have the time or interest to really learn about investing, so they follow the crowd (never a good idea) or make poor decisions. They typically allow their emotions to steer a move to buy or sell. With investments and business, you must put your emotions on a shelf.

Bài trước: "Alone in a crowd" nghĩa là gì?

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