"From one moment to the next" nghĩa là gì?

Thiên tài sao? Mới học đã biết lái. Photo by Element5 Digital from Pexels

"From one moment to the next" = từ khoảnh khắc này đến khoảnh khắc tiếp theo -> nghĩa là nhanh chóng hoặc đột ngột.

Ví dụ
That theme (chủ đề) is never the same from one moment to the next, because a different note is played at each moment in time.

He was operating on rote (học vẹt) behaviours that he hoped could carry him from one moment to the next. Which meant starting the car, so that was what he did.

Actually, continuous creation (sáng tạo liên tục) is not a concept as much as an experience (kinh nghiệm)—the direct perception that there is no causal connection (mối liên hệ nhân quả) from one moment to the next.

Yet the reality of death is the most important factor of every moment of our lives, because it's thanks to death that we can cross over from one moment to the next. If this moment doesn't die, totally disappearing (biến mất), we can't have the next moment.

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