"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may" nghĩa là gì?

Hãy cố hết sức khi còn có thể. Photo by Rodrigo from Pexels

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may" = thu nhặt nụ hoa hồng khi còn có thể. Cụm từ xuất phát trong bài thơ từ thế kỷ 17 của Robert Herrick, có nghĩa là hãy cứ làm và tận hưởng, trước khi mọi thứ thay đổi.

Ví dụ
And just to remind you, gather ye rosebuds while you may and tell your sweetheart (người yêu) that she is the rose in your lapel (ve áo) and she will respond, we hope, that you are the gardenia (cây dành dành) in her corsage (hoa kết đeo cổ tay).

Aaron Sorkin often uses a famous poem by Robert Herrick, the first line reads “gather ye rosebuds, while ye may.” This Sorkinism means to take advantage (tận dụng) of things while you can. For me signing up for that class was a rosebud, becoming an editor (biên tập viên) was a rosebud and the staff was certainly a rosebud. I hope as I continue striving (phấn đấu) towards being Dana and Mac.

You can still pay the city a few dollars and garden on an empty lot (lô đất trống), but you’re pretty much on your own, and corner garden leases (cho thuê) don’t exist, because corners are prime real estate (bất động sản). That’s the other reason community gardeners (cộng đồng người làm vườn) put all their hope in the ground along with their seedlings (cây giống). So gather ye rosebuds—and your tomatoes—while ye may.

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