"Gentle as a lamb" nghĩa là gì?

Hiền lành như chú cừu non Photo by Kat Jayne from Pexels

'Gentle as a lamb' = hiền lành như con cừu non -> nghĩa là hiền lành, dịu dàng, hòa nhã.

Ví dụ
To have known George was to witness what a true man should be. Honorable (xứng đáng, mang đến hoặc thể hiện danh dự, danh giá), ethical (đạo đức, (thuộc) luân thường đạo lý), and compassionate (thương hại, thương xót, động lòng thương, động lòng trắc ẩn). He was a man of faith, honoring his God and his fellow man. Strong as an ox, but gentle as a lamb.

“Willie” was an avid (khao khát, háo hức) hunter and fisherman, and enjoyed spending his time outdoors. He was “tough as nails, but gentle as a lamb,” and the type of person to loyally support his family and friends, and would also offer his help to anyone. We give thanks for the life of Jeremy.

Growing up, Dad always encouraged me; he wasn’t an enforcer. He’s as gentle as a lamb. Mum was the opposite. She would force me to go to the gym and eat properly. Dad would just say things like, “You should look after yourself and try to eat healthily.” Actually, he and I are not very good dieters (người ăn kiêng).

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