"Get away with murder" nghĩa là gì?

"Get away with murder" = Thoát khỏi tội giết người (lách luật) -> Phá phách/làm điều sai trái mà không bị sao/không bị trừng phạt; giết người nhưng không bị trừng trị; làm bất kì điều mình muốn mà không sợ hậu quả/không ai phạt hay trị họ.

Ví dụ
The police and other anti-narcotics enforcement agencies (cơ quan lực lượng chống ma túy) continue to "get away with murder" in the Philippines, Amnesty International has said on Thursday, as the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte announced its latest performance report in the three-and-a-half year war on drugs.

The book is tightly structured (yes, we noticed that time frame) and nicely paced. Its gender-swapping theme will find enthusiastic support, I’m sure. But among all the art-historical references which, alongside endless accounts of mixing pigments (sắc tố, nhuộm màu) (at least we don’t have to wait to watch them dry) smell of the lamp a little, we might profitably have had some words from Benvenuto Cellini, who reckoned that artists could get away with murder if only they were good enough.

She would abhor Putin’s show meant to cover up a wobbly (do dự, lưỡng lự, run), second-rate economic dictatorship (chế độ độc tài) that forces a third-world existence on its people while manipulating the entire free world. It’s lunacy (điên rồ), she would pronounce and caution that if he had learned the lessons of World War II, as we have learned it, he’d end the war in Ukraine, release all political prisoners, stop ethnic cleansing in Crimea. His exploitations in other countries — elections, cyber warfare (chiến tranh ảo/trên mạng), ugly propaganda (sự tuyên truyền)– would also stop. He has not learned that. Instead, he learned how to get away with murder just as his idol Stain had done. His upcoming victory show is but another hoax (trò chơi khăm, đánh lừa) to con the fools again. Us!

Ka Tina

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