Vì sao siêu thị Mỹ thiếu thực phẩm?

vì theo quy định dán nhãn (phân phối), hàng định bán cho nhà hàng, thì ko được chuyển sang bán cho siêu thị
Nutrition labeling also frequently doesn’t comply with Agriculture Department and Food and Drug Administration guidelines for consumer sales, said Geoff Freeman, president and CEO of the Consumer Brands Association, a trade organization for the consumer packaged goods industry. A company that sold hamburger buns to major fast food outlets could try to pivot to retail, but that entails changing packaging on the fly (trong tiến trình), a relaxation of labeling requirements (nới lỏng yêu cầu về dán nhãn) and new distribution contracts (hợp đồng phân phối mới).

-> America’s regulatory state is failing us.

Tags: economics

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