"Live in comfortable circumstances" nghĩa là gì?

Không phải ai cũng được sống một cách "bình thường" như này. Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

"Live in comfortable/ easy/good/flourishing circumstances" nghĩa là sống thoải mái, sung túc.

Ví dụ
Mr. Nicodemus was a gentleman who lived down in Hampshire; he was a married man, and in very easy circumstances.

They live in comfortable circumstances, not as the factory workers (công nhân nhà máy) of old. They usually travel abroad, often own foreign property, and otherwise lead lives that had formerly been reserved for the middle class (tầng lớp trung lưu).

The old people who were not in comfortable circumstances had no homes at all worth mentioning, for, as soon as they got past work, they had either to go to the workhouse (trại tế bần) or find accommodation in the already overcrowded (quá tải) sottages of their children.

How can groups of people familiar with each other living in relatively comfortable circumstances envision (hình dung) a different future without building new understanding and empathy (đồng cảm)? This current pandemic (đại dịch) has been so devastating (hủy hoại) for people of color, it has even been referred to as the “Black Plague” by The New Yorker.

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