"Make a spoon or spoil a horn" nghĩa là gì?

Chúng ta có 2 lựa chọn: hoặc tiến lên, hoặc bị vượt lên. Photo by Thgusstavo Santana from Pexels

"Make a spoon or spoil a horn" = làm ra cái thìa hoặc làm hỏng cái sừng -> nghĩa là hãy nỗ lực và quyết tâm làm gì, bằng bất cứ giá nào. Thời xưa thường lấy sừng của gia súc để làm thìa, muỗng.

Ví dụ
She expressed her determination (quyết tâm) in a wellknown Scotch saying: “'Either make a spoon or spoil a horn'”—that is, she would risk the whole family fortunes on a single throw. She would break the Carnegies or make them.

Blackwood had now arrived at a point in his life when impatience (thiếu kiên nhẫn) of a monotonous (đơn điệu) career, and that desire to "make a spoon or spoil a horn" which is so strong among those predestined to fortune (định sẵn may mắn), had risen to fever-point (kích thích) within him.

"We commenced (bắt đầu) our publication (xuất bản)," writes Elder Taylor to President Young, "not because we had means to do it, but because we were determined to fulfill (hoàn thành) our mission (nhiệm vụ), and either make a spoon or spoil a horn. How long we shall be able to continue, I don't know. We are doing as well as we can, and shall continue to do so.

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