"Neither a borrower nor a lender be" nghĩa là gì?

Có bao nhiêu xài bấy nhiêu, mất công vay mượn lại làm mất hòa khí. Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

"Neither a borrower nor a lender be" = không nợ ai, cũng không ai nợ mình -> nghĩa là hãy sống cuộc đời độc lập tự chủ, không vay nợ, tránh làm xấu mối quan hệ (nhất là với người thân thiết). Câu nói trích trong "Hamlet" của Shakespeare.

Ví dụ
Q: The best advice you ever got about money?
A: Neither a borrower nor lender be - I got that advice from my dad. Though I've borrowed from him and my mum many times over the years.

Lending money to a family member or friend is a risky proposition (lời đề nghị rủi ro), one that could end very badly. You could lose your money and wreck (phá hỏng) an important relationship. Remember the advice Polonius gives his son, Laertes, in Shakespeare’s "Hamlet": “Neither a borrower nor a lender be, for loan oft loses both itself and friend.”

Instead, your kindness and generosity (hào phóng) has resulted in lost assets (mất tài sản), enabling your friend’s mistakes, and, likely, a lost friendship. This is not your fault (it is his); your own choice, however, is your responsibility (trách nhiệm). Perhaps you should have chosen to follow a Shakespearean (instead of a biblical (kinh thánh)) mandate (lệnh): “Neither a borrower nor a lender be... For loan oft loses both itself and friend.”

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