"Not give a tinker's curse" nghĩa là gì?

Trông có giống quan tâm không? Photo by emre keshavarz from Pexels

"Not give a tinker's damn/curse/cuss" nghĩa là chẳng quan tâm đâu.

Ví dụ
“We cannot safely end sheltering (trú ẩn) in place until we have testing every place,” Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois said, arguing the virus “doesn’t give a tinker’s damn” who you are. “If you are breathing and coughing and sneezing in America, we need to test you."

Dalli not only did not give a tinker’s damn as to the implications (nói ám chỉ) of her vote, during a time when Malta is doing its utmost (hết sức) to safeguard (bảo vệ) its resources and more importantly its vulnerable (dễ bị tổn thương) but her condoning (tha thứ) of such an amendment (sửa đổi) showed a blatant disdain (khinh bỉ trắng trợn) for the government’s position.

Remember ideology (hệ tư tưởng) is only the disguise (che đậy) and sweetener used by the masters to keep the attention of otherwise scatterbrained (kẻ đãng trí) but otherwise useful idiots whose masters are focused sharply on the money / vote exchange (trao đổi) game, nothing more and nothing less. The masters care not a tinkers curse about anything else save money and power.

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