"Opportunity makes a thief" nghĩa là gì?

Tóm sống tên trộm đồ ăn. Photo by Julian Thompson

"Opportunity makes a thief" = cơ hội tạo ra kẻ trộm -> nghĩa là chỉ cần có sơ hở, nếu cảm thấy lấy mà khó bị phát hiện ra thì ai cũng có thể trở thành kẻ trộm.

Ví dụ
Thieves can’t do this alone though! Since they’re unable to attack, they’ll need reinforcements (tiếp viện), subterfuge (thủ đoạn) and protection as they journey across the map. Let it be said that opportunity makes a thief!

Without her grandiose predictions (dự đoán vĩ đại), Natividade's donation (quyên góp) would have been minimal or nothing and the act in the hallway would not have happened, for lack of the banknote (giấy bạc). “Opportunity makes the thief,” concludes my correspondent (thông tín viên). He does not conclude wrongly.

As he sentenced (kết án) Caron Friday to a five-year prison term and a $1.2-million fine (phạt), Quebec Court Judge Jacques Lacoursière called Caron the “instigator” (kẻ bày mưu) of a brazen (táo tợn) theft that went on for a year and netted nearly 3,000 tonnes of syrup. “The Court (Tòa án) regards this matter as the perfect illustration (minh họa) of the maxim (châm ngôn), ‘Opportunity makes the thief’,” Lacoursière said in his Trois-Rivières courtroom.

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