"Own up to" nghĩa là gì?

tây ban nha phải thừa nhận vết nhơ thực dân của mình*. photo courtesy wikipedia.

'Own up to' = 'admit or confess to having done something wrong or embarrassing'; nghĩa là thừa nhận điều gì sai lầm, đáng xấu hổ, xấu xa.

Ví dụ
Both China and the WHO must own up to their own actions -- and inactions -- with this deadly disease that helped to bring the world to a standstill (bế tắc; dừng lại, đứng lại).

Neither geography nor the statute of limitations should be an excuse for Spain not to own up to its past and atone (chuộc lỗi; dàn xếp, hòa giải) for its colonial sins (những tội ác thời thực dân). One possibility is for Spain to establish college-level scholarships at Spanish universities for CHamoru descendants (hậu duệ) as compensation (đền bù, bồi thường).

I appreciated the candor of the Pasqualati House, a museum in one of his main Vienna homes. It acknowledged that there had been debate about which rooms Beethoven had actually occupied — and owned up to its tainted past (vết nhơ quá khứ), noting that the Nazis had evicted (trục xuất, đẩy ra đường) the Jewish family that lived there to create the museum, and some were killed in Auschwitz.

This government has to own up to the reality that even the food card distribution system will not effectively meet the needs of those requiring help in the manner it is being undertaken. It is totally unethical for government to boast they spent millions on food relief when in reality they only gave 197 food cards to each member of parliament with a list of thousands of children in each constituency that require assistance, essentially excluding thousands.

Phạm Hạnh

* Mộ Colombo tại thánh đường Sevilla. Mộ có bốn bức tượng các vị vua tượng trưng cho các Vương quốc Castile, Leon, Aragon, và Navarre.

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