Di sản 2.300 năm của Thương Ưởng sẽ bị xóa bỏ vĩnh viễn

thủ tướng lý khắc cường nói, năm 2013, "đô thị hóa" ko phải tập trung vào các đô thị/siêu đô thị lớn, mà là tập trung/xoay quanh con người...

It symbolizes (là biểu tượng) the departure (xa rời) from land-centered urban development (phát triển đô thị tập trung vào đất/lãnh thổ) to a form of people-oriented urbanization, which covers a broad scope (ý nghĩa rộng hơn). In the earlier phase of capital-driven urbanization, excessive conversion of rural land into urban areas, often through master-planned new towns, was the norm. Large-scale construction was accompanied by wholesale demolition (phá hủy). What is new in the roadmap for a new type of urbanization is its focus on the people.

The conversion of rural land into urban agglomerations is an incomplete and unfulfilled urbanization, while it excludes new migrants from being recognized as urban residents. While the relocation of people to metropolitan regions might be inevitable, urbanization does not mean a spatial concentration of the residents in the center of a city. The essence of urbanization is the provision of public services in contrast to a self-contained rural society. So far, farmers in the countryside have been largely left outside the sphere of service provision. This means that China has to reform its hukou system, which divides the urban and rural domains and further segregates the rural migrants from their host urban societies.

Tags: china

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