"Poison them against" nghĩa là gì?

Dù có ra sao thì xin hãy giữ hình ảnh của anh thật đẹp trong mắt con nha em! 
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

"Poison someone against someone/something" nghĩa là nói xấu, đầu độc một người để người đó có cái nhìn tiêu cực, căm ghét hoặc coi thường một người nào đó/cái gì đó khác.

Ví dụ
Divorcing parents could lose custody (quyền chăm sóc) or be denied contact with their children if they attempt to poison them against their former partner, under the rules of a new pilot scheme (kế hoạch thí điểm).

Whereas in 2016 likely Republican voters were fed fake stories about Hillary Clinton being corrupt and dishonest, the 2020 electorate may get stories that poison them against centrist candidates like Joe Biden, along with fearmongering stories about candidates like Elizabeth Warren wanting to destroy the stock market.

My own parents had a horrific divorce. I don’t want my kids to go through (trải qua) what I did. But as they get older, they want to talk more about the differences between their dad and me, which is not surprising—they are trying to figure out the type of people they want to be! While I don’t want to “poison” them against their dad, I also will not give up on the values I hold dear.

Thảo Nguyễn

Bài trước: "Confuse me with" nghĩa là gì?
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