"Proud as a peacock" nghĩa là gì?

Nhưng chúng có quyền tự hào về bản thân mình mà. Photo by Alexas Fotos from Pexels

"(As) proud/vain as a peacock" = tự hào/hão huyền như một con công -> nghĩa là dương dương tự đắc, Không coi ai ra gì, coi trời bằng vung. Sử dụng "proud" với một mức độ nhẹ hơn.

Ví dụ
And she would show off like a vain peacock spreading her feathers (xòe lông) to take the attention off me.

Scott’s Essendine remains ridiculous (lố bịch) — vain as a prize peacock, with paper-thin skin — but he’s heartbreaking (đau lòng) too.

'They get on top of the car and look at themselves in the mirror. Or they come in on the veranda (hiên) and look through the grass door to look at themselves. I guess that's where they get the saying "as vain as a peacock".

Although she graduated with a degree in psychology (ngành tâm lý học), Hailie is currently pursuing a career (theo đuổi sự nghiệp) as an influencer (người có ảnh hưởng), with her Instagram profile bio reading, "attempting to curate (sắp xếp) a feed that accurately represents my life and is somehow still aesthetically (thẩm mỹ) pleasing." But Hailie isn't the only family member that has Slim Shady proud as a peacock.

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