"Set up shop" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

"Set up shop" nghĩa là bắt đầu công việc làm ăn, kinh doanh.

Ví dụ
Riot Games to set up shop in Singapore with new studio addition.

In Northland and Chadstone Shopping Centres, healthcare workers have reportedly set up shop and have started testing (xét nghiệm) the public.

In the US, NYC has already closed off 100 miles of roads to traffic for more walking space, and some municipalities (thành phố tự trị) are letting restaurants set up shop in empty parking lots.

Going from in store to online doesn’t have to be daunting (khó khăn). Shops like Editorial Boutique are living proof (bằng chứng sống) that setting up a successful online shop can be done easily, with great results and without losing touch with your customers (khách hàng) and community (cộng động).

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