"Sound in wind and limb" nghĩa là gì?

Mới đánh có tí mà mệt rồi à? Photo courtesy: tony chan

"Sound in wind and limb" có từ "sound" ở đây là khỏe mạnh = hơi thở và cơ bắp đều khỏe -> có thể lực tốt.

Ví dụ
"He has shown that he travels very well. That is important because you don't want to be taking a horse to the Rio Olympics unless they are sound in wind and limb."

Now, set all that pension (lương hưu) stuff aside and look at the other end of the stick: where citizens who are perfectly healthy, sound in wind and limb, energetic and intellectually all there, are forced out of their jobs because they have reached 65.

You cannot meet David Attenborough without reflecting on (suy ngẫm) the lottery (may rủi) of life. He bounces into the room unaccompanied (không có người hộ tống), a little stiff (cứng) in the lower back perhaps, but otherwise breezy and lithe (uyển chuyển). He is sound in wind and limb, vision and hearing, his eyes sparkle, his face is scarcely rumpled (nhăn nhúm) by time. Yet in three months he will celebrate his 90th birthday.

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Bài trước: "Hold it against me" nghĩa là gì?
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