Ý tưởng mới hỗ trợ DNNVV vay vốn

đó là cộng đồng dân cư địa phương tài trợ một phần khoản vay ngân hàng của doanh nghiệp,

như vậy bắn tín hiệu tới nhà đầu tư là cộng đồng tin tưởng doanh nghiệp sẽ thành công và theo đó là khả năng trả nợ...

các bạn thấy ý tưởng này như nào? hàng xóm mở công ty mà cần tiền thì bạn có cho vay không :)
I was hoping to get feedback on an idea for a new small business lending platform which would allow community members to fund fractional amounts of a business loan. The thesis is that fractional (phân số, phân đoạn) loan contributions from local supporters would give institutional lenders confidence to fund the full requested loan amount (and that the total amount contributed by peers would supplement traditional measures of borrower creditworthiness (sự đáng tin cậy về khả năng trả nợ), such as FICO score, cash flow, etc., when setting the interest rate). For example, 10% of the principal (tiền vốn gốc/ban đầu) might come from all the peer investors combined, and the remaining 90% from a single big lender. To my knowledge, nothing quite like this exists. In the wake of COVID-19 shutdowns, it seems especially important for small businesses at the heart of our communities to be getting access to low-interest financing based on peer endorsement (sự chứng thực đằng sau (séc...); lời viết đằng sau, lời ghi đằng sau (một văn kiện); sự xác nhận; sự tán thành).

Adding the “peer staking” element to a small business loan signals to investors that the local community believes in the future success of the business and the borrower’s likelihood of repaying (and peers would also be able to earn the same interest rate return on the principal as the majority funder… so it’s not like crowdfunding, where you contribute but won’t see your dollar again…). The design also increases accountability without the need for a collateral since borrowers would feel a personal responsibility to repay their peer debt-holders, who may be friends, family or customers.


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