Rủi ro lớn nhất về chuỗi cung ứng đối với Mỹ lúc này

là việc ấn độ cấm xuất khẩu api dược phẩm sang mỹ, khi mỹ đang tiềm ẩn nguy cơ thiếu dược phẩm do đợt bùng phát coronavirus,
Trump administration officials are asking India to lift restrictions (dỡ bỏ lệnh cấm) to give the U.S. access to (tiếp cận với) pharmaceutical ingredients (hoạt chất) needed to produce a range of drugs, amid fears of a potential U.S. drug supply shortage prompted by the coronavirus outbreak.

The two governments are holding discussions (đang đàm phán) aimed at easing newly imposed restrictions (nới lỏng các hạn chế mới áp đặt) on pharmaceutical exports from India, which Delhi introduced to ensure the country would have medicine needed to handle the pandemic inside of its borders, the sources said.

With coronavirus potentially disrupting (phá vỡ, đứt gãy) the global supply chain for medicine (chuỗi cung ứng toàn cầu về dược phẩm), India earlier this month restricted the export of 26 pharmaceutical ingredients and the medicines made from them, including acetaminophen — a common pain reliever (thuốc giảm đau). India is the world’s leading supplier of generic drugs and is a key source for active pharmaceutical ingredients, or APIs, used to produce a range of medicines.

Tags: healthindia

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