Kinh tế hậu Covid-19 của Trung Quốc sẽ ra sao?

theo dữ liệu ảnh chụp vệ tinh (đo lường khí thải, methane, ozone) thì còn tiếp tục suy giảm, đừng nghĩ tới phục hồi vội...
“The SpaceKnow data suggest a continued slowing in China’s economy, despite official data saying otherwise,” says Jeremy Fand, SpaceKnow’s chief executive.

Pollution data from SpaceKnow, collected via satellite by measuring things like methane and ozone over China, also suggest that activity remains depressed (dồn nén, ép) compared with previrus levels. That index, last updated on March 30, is unchanged from the end of February…

Regardless of why China’s activity remains lower than officially reported—whether it’s the virus, frozen demand, or a combination of factors—the point is that the country hasn’t yet begun to rebound (khôi phục, phục hồi).

Tags: china

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